2016年12月9日,WTO在日內瓦舉辦“電子商務普惠發(fā)展(eCommerce for Development)”研討會。WTO總干事阿澤維多、國際電信聯(lián)盟(ITU)秘書長趙厚麟、聯(lián)合國貿易和發(fā)展會議(UNCTAD)秘書長基圖伊、聯(lián)合國國際貿易中心(ITC)主任岡薩雷斯、巴基斯坦和哥斯達黎加等多國貿易部長、70多位各國大使、300多位各國駐WTO和國際組織的貿易談判代表、外交使節(jié)以及專家學者出席研討會。
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Ladies and gentlemen, please accept my warmest greetings from Hangzhou!
Congratulations on the opening of this seminar. It is unfortunate that I cannot join you in person today.
With so many global organizations, scholars and officials gathered here to discuss the development of e-commerce and its value to the world. I cannot understate the importance of today’s event. And as an e-commerce practitioner, I am very honored to take part in this great event.
People’s understanding of e-commerce has undergone several stages. Ten years ago, most people had doubts and limited knowledge about e-commerce; but today we cannot do business without the Internet. Going forward, I believe that there will be no difference between e-commerce and traditional business because online and offline business activities will be integrated as one.
No matter in China or Asia, everyone agrees that e-commerce has brought tremendous opportunities for SMEs, and significant new jobs for developing countries. Especially in China, e-commerce has created more than 30 million jobs. If China’s recent economic prosperity can be partially attributed to e-commerce, why don't we share this valuable experience and opportunity with the rest of the world?
A lot of things happened in the world this year and there appears to be a growing trend of anti-globalization. But in my opinion, this opposition is not targeted at globalization itself but rather the incompleteness of globalization.
Thousands of years ago, several emperors and kings controlled trade so that only a few imperial aristocracies benefited from globalization; in the past 30 years, with the persistent efforts of the WTO, global trade supported the growth of more than 60,000 large enterprises. Compared with thousands of years ago, global trade has contributed to significant wealth creation and global prosperity.
So for the next stage, if the focus of global trade and globalization can shift to fully incorporate SMEs and developing countries, how big could be this opportunity be? If tens of millions of SMEs could participate into cross-border trade I believe it would make great contributions to the world.
If the 20%, that is developed countries and big enterprises, benefited from globalization over the past decades then we should allow the remaining 80%, or developing countries and SMEs, to benefit from globalization in the next three decades.
The WTO has accomplished pioneering work and in the past decades has made tremendous contributions to the development of the world economy and international trade with the support of national governments. But we have to look forward. The WTO is an intergovernmental organization, but enterprises should also be allowed to also participate in rule making. To date, the WTO has generated mountains of trade rules and clauses, but we should look to make trade simpler so that more countries and enterprises could benefit from global trade.
Previously, developing countries and SMEs had less channels and funds available to take part in global trade, but the rise of e-commerce, modern logistics and Internet finance have provided them with new opportunities and possibilities to take part in globalization.
In the future, nobody can live without the Internet, just like nobody could live without electricity in the 20th century. The Internet has no boundaries, just like the electricity.
Some fear that e-commerce may impact employment, but in fact e-commerce has created many new jobs. Instead, what have negatively impacted various industries and employment are yesterday’s thinking, ignorance to future trends, and the unwillingness to embrace the future.
Technology revolutions last for 50 years, with the first 20 years witnessing rapid technological development and the latter 30 years witnessing technology adoption and application. The next 30 years will be essential for the whole world.
Young people are also major players in innovation. To support the next 30 years of development, I believe countries should develop specific policies for enterprises with fewer than 30 employees and for young people less than 30 years old, so that they can partake in future opportunities.
I hope that in the years to come, if you have a car, then you can be an Uber driver; if your family has land, you can plant tomatoes and sell to Beijing and New York. If you have a roof, you can sell solar energy from your roof to every corner of the world. This is not only the future of e-commerce but also the future of the youth!
Thank you!
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